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How to Solve Rational Expressions with TI Interactive!

By: Blake Caudle and Austin King and Jeff Butler


First off before you read anything on this web page you might want to consider the free 30 day trial of ti interactive just click on the link below and follow the instructions.

Ti Interactive!!


List of tools that you will need.

1.   TI Interactive

2.    Algebra II book.

3.    A helpful teacher

4.    A great guide to how to solve rational expressions with ti interactive such as this one.



·       The first step is to open up TI Interactive, which can be found in your start menu.

·       The next thing you will want to do is to open a math box and type in:

·       factor(.

·       3. Then you type in your equation very carefully! Remember if you have a               complicated problem with a lot of parenthesis you always have to close your parenthesis when you are finished.                                              

·       after you type in your equation you just hit enter and it should give you your answer under the problem in red, as seen above.


                  There are many different ways to solve rational expressions

Which I am sure mr young would love to share with you

But we think that the easiest of all the ways

Is to use ti interactive you just can’t

Go wrong with ti interactive

Which you will find out

As the year goes


Links: www.ti.com




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