

By Devon Skelton and Andrew McGill


We are doing this web page for our Algebra II class because it is required once every year to do so.  We will be showing you how to solve problems that have exponents by giving you steps so that you can solve the equation more quickly.  So people will have an easy time with these steps and the steps will help them out, but like all strategies these steps wont help everyone.  Just try these steps out for a couple of equations and if they work for you then keep using these, but if they don’t help then try and find another method for you.


We will start out with the equation 53+74 and we will use __ steps to find the answer.


Step 1.  we will first break up the 53 which is 5*5*5=125.  So when you see 5^4 just think of 5*5*5*5=625 and you will know what that equals.


Step 2.  We will now break up 74 which is 7*7*7*7=2401. So when you see 4^6 think of 4*4*4*4*4*4=4096 and now you know the full equation and you can now solve for the answer.


Step 3.  Solving for the answer 125+2401=2526 and that is the answer to this exponential equation.



Here are some helpful links that will help you if this strategy doesn’t help.









Mr. Young’s E-mail address – Dyoung@fayar.net