Algebra II Webpage

Authored by: James Kring

Statement of Purpose

Data and Graph:

The data and graph above show how many times during a normal school day that I use algebraic logic to discover solutions to non-math problems (I had to come up with something!). The numbers in the HOUR list apply to the class periods of the day.

Equation: Dobutamine Infusion Rate=x

Dobutamine is a medical substance used to treat various heart conditions. The equation for measuring the infusion rate is usually done by hand, though it can be executed via calculator.

x=(Weight in kilos (w))*(micrograms (m))*60)/2000

Example: W=75 and M=5




Links to websites that have connections with Algebra or some other form of mathematics:

Notice: A few of these are calculator-related, but the concepts applied in all of them have some sort of base in mathematics, and in some cases Algebra. Example: In order to get a doctoral degree you must have some experience in mathematics, and more specifically Algebra II (Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics).

Mr. Young's pages


Cahal Technologies

Texas Instruments

Bureau of Labor Statistics-Math Jobs

Clay Mathematics (Picture Source)


Picture: An equation for building a 3-D figure-8 knot, as researched at the seventh link shown above.

E-mail me @ FHS or at home.

E-mail Mr. Young if you feel like it.

Other Stuff