Algebra II Update for September 24, 2001 6. Journal Prompt for the Week of September 24, 2001: Some people would think it inappropriate to give you a review sheet like the ones we give you before an examination. What do you think and why? Why do you think some would take offense? You should have done the following: - Written in your Journal. - Came to know when your NEXT Portfolio is due. - Calculated your Portfolio grade, and your MidTerm average and then emailed it to me. - Correct your MidTerm Portfolio and return it to me with a note about what to regrade. - Checked your grades on GradeViewer. - Taken the Guessing Correlations - Take 2. - Worked on Walk Like Me with the CBR. - Read Sections 2.4-2.5-2.6. - Started on the Examination II Review Worksheet. This week: # Write in your Journal. # Examination II Review. # Take Examination II. # Start Chapter 3 - Exponentials. # The Dice are Dieing. # Turn in Walk the Line with the CBR. # Design and Video a Linear. # Check your grades on GradeViewer. Please recall that each piece of work that you turn in should contain your Name, Date, Period, and What the work is called. Explore the Algebra II web page. Get a Graphing Calculator if you do not have one. If you have questions or need some help, please see me, or one of your fellow students. See the Syllabus for information on how to get outside of class help. DAY -- David A. Young Fayetteville "No good deed goes unpunished."