What happens when we jump?

brian garner







Scientists from ISA/Muchen (Germany) have published a report which affirms the theory that the planet earth could be driven out of its current orbital rotation by the combined force of human beings jumping. This could possibly end global warming and extend daylight hours.

Join the World jump day 20 July 2006.


Why July 20?                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Does it work?


Let’s investigate. Using what he know from laws of motion and physics we can come up with a way to suggest at least one suggestion of what will happen when we jump. Let’s say we have 277,000,000 people jump 55 cm. What would the force be? Will 600 million be enough?


What people are saying about World Jump Day






























What are you??

                               S.P.A.S.M                or                Believer




Brian Garner is 12th grade student

at Fayetteville high school. This

website was done for AP Physics C.

His teacher is DA Young.

