Not too shabby!!???  I would say you’re thoughts are precisely that! Completely shabby and out of whack. Kunal, how can you respect yourself for so blindly following these clearly non useful equations. You suggest that uniform acceleration helps define jumping. I say you are out of your mind. What are you republican!!? Jumping has nothing to do with trifling acceleration and final velocity equations. Jumping is all about the coiling of the muscles and the spring-esqe motions. And I laugh in your face when you claim you wish not to overload my mind. Or do you mean clutter my mind? This is all so worthless to me. What you want another example of your thinking fallacies? Allow me… you even say yourself the heaviest atheletes don’t jump the highest. But you try to justify this with these ridiculous FnS/mg equations and uniform acceleration. Are you serious? That person can’t jump high because he is out of shape! And you never ever ever mention the most important factor in jumping—race! Try to explain to me in Newtonian or DAisian ways that a 6’3 200 lb black person will always out jump a 5’8 150 lb white person.  Here’s the equation you need : J = B^2 (E + W) – (D + G)…that is Jumping equals Blackness squared times (Exercise plus weight lifting) – (doughnut consumption + lard intake). Jeez Kunal, this is so easy. Sometimes I have to wonder about you. And the reason grasshoppers jump so high? They spend all that time in that grass with all those allergens. Those all combine to make a very potent mixture similar to that of PCP. On this drug, the grasshoppers have incredible strength and extreme rushes of adrenaline. This phenomenon also explains snakes quickness and agility as well as other animals’ extreme powers (ants’ strength, caterpillars spontaneously bursting into butterflies, bugs that fly….FLY!, etc, etc, etch-a-sketch, whatever) So Kunal, I may grant you that the article put these thoughts in your head. So I wont jump to conclusions and say you are out of your mind. So to give you credit, I think you did a good job in reading the article and interpreting it. But I think you should see past the lies and see the truth, which I have so kindly shown you. Good work Kunal, I respect you. Cheers!


B Gizzle