JKCassie's FHS Algebraic Connections Page:<

My name is Cassie. I'm a senior at FHS. This webpage is for educational purposes involving math. Algebraic Connections to be exact. The math department at FHS is neat because the teachers are really fun and dedicated to helping you learn.

    Algebraic Connections is kind of like Applied Algebra (hands-on kind of algebra), it shows how algebra ties to the outside world. It involves using the 5 models (Linear, Quadratic, Exponential, Absolute Value, Logarithmic), the 4 verification methods, and lots of other neat stuff. If you want to find out more about Algebraic connections, you can email me or Mr. Young (email'below). Here's a few photos from a project we did in Algebraic Connections. This was the ball bounce 3 project that we did a while back. We made a graph of how high the ball bounced .

In these pics, we are bouncing the ball to see how high it bounces and using a CBL program to measure the height and bounce of the ball. The 2 guys in the pics are my partners for the project.

My email is mouse1_16@yahoo.com
The teacher is David A. Young (dyoung@fayar.net).

Just so you can get to know FHS a little bit better, here's the alma mater and the school facts:


Dear Fayetteville High,Our Alma Mater True,

Dear Fayetteville High,All Hail to You.

Our Colors Wave,The Purple and the White,

Our Spirits Brave,For Great Your Might.

Your History Shines Through All the Years,

With Memories Full of Joys and Tears.

Today,Tomorrow,as in the Past,

Our Love For You Will Grow and Last

In Gratitude toYou,Our Praises Sing,

Our Songs from Thankful Hearts WeBring.

And May Your Sacred Hall 'ere Ring,

With" Hail, Dear Fayetteville High".

School Facts

 Number of Students-1471



 Sophomore- 545
 (the list of students above is for the 99-00 school year.)
 Number of Staff Members-131
 Number of Days in School Year-178

Quick Questions from Mr. Young:
1) If you had a list of numbers (say a payroll list) How would you graph it out?

2) Do you know what a TI calculator is? (Just Kidding)

3) What do you think of this page?

Please answer them (if you know the answers or if you don't, just ask)
Answers are below.

1) U can graph it anyway u want to. as long as u know the way to do it.

2) trick question. don't answer

3) your own opinion of this page.

This Page was created by Cassie George
translation: This       page       was     created        by       Cassie      George