AlgConn Update for the week of January 17, 2000 23. Journal Prompt for the Week of January 17, 2000: What were your impressions about the Fall99 Performance Assessment? Give specifics. What are your expectations for the next PA? Why? This week: # Go to Lab 1 - Library Annex, on Friday to finish the TI on the Web, Bouncing Ball I, and PA FALL99. # Write in your Journal. # You should have: Emailed me your Portfolio grade, Emailed me your Semester average, turned in Dueling Histograms, and turned in PA FALL99. # Finish BBI this week. Make sure you turn in your own paper. # Continue to discuss the Fall Final. I will pick up the examination and your notes this week. # Look at the Syllabus to check on the date that the next Portfolio is due. # If you don't have a Graphing Calculator, you need to get one. # Look at the new information on the AlgConn Web Page. # Please note that the announcements have a listing of which computer labs are open and when, and where you can locate Graph Links to use around the building. If you have questions or need some help, please see me, or one of your fellow students. See the Syllabus for information on how to get outside of class help. DAY