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Algebra 1


In this investigation our goal is to explore the Internet for resources related to the study of Algebra 1 and to investigate the interface between the Internet, Pmail, and Word.

I. Locate a URL that contains significant information about the study of Algebra 1 using NetScape. See some Search Engines below.

II. Send me the address (URL) with the Web site name (listed at the very top of the NetScape screen). Cut and Paste from NetScape and Pmail. dayoung@ecs1.nwsc.k12.ar.us

III. If you are the first to select that location, and if it is an acceptable page, I will mail you the OK to do part IV. Save this approval as part of your Report. If someone has already selected that site, I will send you a note to go back to part I.

IV. Explore the site you selected and write, in sentences, an overview of the location, including the good and bad parts of it, relative to the study of Algebra 1. Don’t forget to document the location again in this write-up. Use the "print screen" option to include a view of your selected web page in your write-up.





September 9, 1998