Life By The Numbers-5: We’ve Got the Fever!!

Algebra 1

Rose is one of 1 200 factory workers at Gallejo Factory, a car parts plant that operates seven days a week. She arrives at the factory on Monday with a slight fever. While working with three others on a project, she becomes so ill that she goes to the nurse and is sent home. Later that day, the nurse determines that Rose has a contagious virus that will appear one day after exposure in those with whom she has been in close contact. An epidemic is about to happen. The factory must close if more than 40 percent of its workers are ill. If the three workers with whom Rose worked on Monday come down with the virus on Tuesday and each worker infects three others, when will the factory need to close?

Complete the following table:

Day - X

Mon = 0

Tues = 1

Wed = 2

Thurs = 3



No of workers Infected Today - Y







Total Infected







Make a Scatter Plot of the data using the Day {0,1,2,3,4...} as the X list and the Number of workers infected as the Y list.

Describe the pattern of the virus (use one of the three models from the 7 Systemic Parts of Algebra).

Do a Regression and report the Graph, with the WINDOW, and the Regression Equation.

If each worker must stay home three days before returning, when will the factory reopen?