SwS Algebra 2/Geometry Update for February 4, 2002 23. Journal Prompt for the Week of February 4, 2002: Compare the My First Video Project with the My First Video Examination in the context of your ability to work as part of a group. Your 3rd Quarter Journal (1-22) was Due on February 1, 2002. If you have not turned it in yet, please do so. When you get it back, look over my comments and then file the Journals in a safe place for the next Portfolio. Your Progress Report Grade will be your Journal Score. You should have done the following: - Written in your Journal. - Turned in A Factor of GSP. - Finished Algebra Tiles with GSP. - Turned in your Journal with 1-22 and a new CI. - Finished Examination Over My First Video using The Movie. - Explored Quadratics - Vertex Form. This week: # Write in your Journal. # Explore The American Mathematics Competitions. # Calibration Good Time. # Calibration Practice - Objectives # LabPro Data Collection with Calibration - By Hand and Automatic. # QL in the Holocaust? # Section 6.5 Part II. Please recall that each piece of work that you turn in should contain your Name, Date, Period, and What the work is called. This is on the required Assignment Progress Form. Explore the SwS Algebra 2/Geometry web page. If you have questions or need some help, please see me, or one of your fellow students. See the Syllabus for information on how to get outside of class help. DAY -- David A. Young Fayetteville dyoung@fayar.net dyoung7@prodigy.net http://www.fayar.net/east/teacher.web/Math/young/ "No good deed goes unpunished." -Ferengi Rules of Acquisition #285