SwS Algebra 2/Geometry Update for September 10, 2001 4. Journal Prompt for the Week of September 10, 2001: What are your thoughts as you plan to DO the Academy? You should have done the following: - Written in your Journal. - Planned to present to the Academy. - Read the Syllabus and given me the signed Acknowledgment Form. - Taken the TUG-K assessment of Graphing. - Finished the GSP Investigation. This week: # Write in your Journal. # SLOPE-Y-INT-Y=MX+B Practice. # Quiz over GR, SLOPE, etc. # Work in the Book. # Check your grades on GradeViewer. # Turn in your 1st Quarter MidTerm Portfolio before 3:47 pm on Sept. 14, 2001. # Teach the Golden Rule - Tuesday, Wednesday in the Academy. # CBR Match IT. # Seeing F and C Investigation. Explore the SwS Algebra 2/Geometry web page. BEST-Boosting Engineering, Science, and Technology: 3:45 to 5:00 each day, 3-5 on Sundays. If you have questions or need some help, please see me, or one of your fellow students. See the Syllabus for information on how to get outside of class help. DAY -- David A. Young Fayetteville dyoung@fayar.net dyoung7@prodigy.net http://www.fayar.net/east/teacher.web/Math/young/ "No good deed goes unpunished." -Ferengi Rules of Acquisition #285